Saturday, May 19, 2012


Assalamualaikum wbth

Everybody dreams while sleeping
there is no one who never dreams in their sleeps
i believe so
because I myself dreams everyday
it is just the story of the dreams keep changing whenever we fall asleep
there are some people who face the same dream for a few times
mungkin ada maksud di sebalik mimpi yang sama tu kann

Talking about dreaming,
have u ever had a dream about something scary? creepy one?
than can give u goosebump?
i have the experience...
that 'thing' kept pulling my gerahang
and there's a very strong sound yang membingitkan telinga
ya Allah...
masa tu tuhan saja yang tahu how i felt
alhamdulillah lepas baca ayat Qursi banyak kali
it just disappeared
  bangun je dari tidur rasa nak peluk-peluk je my roOmate yang tengah nyenyak melayan mimpi indah
oopps, that story took place in my dormitory during my first semester of being a degree student
the next semester i have to move out from the asrama untuk bagi laluan kat hadek-hadek junior yang baru

back to my story about that creepy dream,
it was the first and last dream
harap-harap lepas ni dah xde lagi dah mimpi macam tu
nak mimpi yang indah-indah je

Thanks Allah 
for giving me the chance to have so many sweet dreams

sweet dream :)


  1. mimpi kadang2 mainan tidur. kalO yg scary mOvie tuh ignOre jee larh. tp kadang mimpi tu jgk petunjuk dr-Nya. :)

  2. sebab tu la sebelom tdo kte kne basuh kaki dulu, lbey elok kalau ade wudhuk, pas2 baca 3 kul...doa sebelum tdo jgn dilupa :)


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